Born in Milan on 18 December 1985, Valeria Soldano graduated from the University of Milan.
She joined Studio Isolabella in 2012 and has since handled cases connected with medical malpractice, bankruptcy, defrauding of the National Health System, as well as cases concerning stalking, libel and surrogate pregnancy/false statement on birth certificate.
In the 2016/17 academic year, she took part in the specialisation course “Criminal Liability for Collective Entities pursuant to Law (D.Lgs.) 231/2001” organised by the University of Milan.
In light of her experience, she currently focuses mainly on medical malpractice, criminal bankruptcy law, and crimes against the Public Administration, as well as offering legal support to health centres and hospitals.
She is the joint author, with Luigi Isolabella and Nicola Pietrantoni, of the essay “Maternity surrogacy in our law system and according to case law”, published on the magazine Medicina e Diritto (medicine and law), 2/2014, Maggioli publications.