
Our team

Alessandra Mandolesi


Born in Piombino on 3 January 1970, Alessandra Mandolesi graduated from the University of Milan.

She joined Studio Isolabella in 1996 and has gained a lot of experience handling long trials for bankruptcy and tax crime, medical malpractice, railway disasters and accidents at work.

She mainly handles tax and bankruptcy crimes, false statements and fraud in the field of insurance, serious bodily harm or manslaughter committed in breach of the health and safety regulations, and administrative offences committed by Entities pursuant to Law (D.Lgs.) 231/2001.

Since 2013, she is member of an internal team assisting clients from the banking and financial broking world in several proceedings before CONSOB and the Bank of Italy, in connection with specific criminal protection requirements for persons indicted for selected administrative offences, in accordance with the stance of the European Court of Human Rights.

Within the firm, since 2003 she has been the reference person and coordinator of cases connected with a multinational group operating in logistics.

Since 2005 she has been a member of faculty at the Il Sole 24 Ore Business School, teaching tax crime and liability of legal entities pursuant to Law (D.Lgs.) 231/2001.

Since 2010 she has been a member and chairwoman of Supervisory Bodies of a leading international banking group.